Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fall Break is over

Well, I am back at school, sadly fall break is over. It was really wonderful. I tried to not run around as much as I have on my last few visits home, so I actually saw fewer people, but was able to spend a little more time with each of them - which was so nice. I am looking forward to even more relaxed visits as I am able to go home much more frequently than I have been able to the last couple of years.

Last night when I arrived at school, I realized that I had brought a cold back with me; it was very difficult to get out of bed this morning and even after taking Dayquil, my stuffy head, sneezes, and congestion are getting the better of me. So, I am going to finish my homework for tomorrow so I can go to bed early.

Well, off I go.
In Him,

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

a full inbox

A fun praise. I like to say "praise the Lord!" and I mean it. God is so good to me, and I like to give Him praise. We had a lady here on campus for a week and she is not a Christian. I had the opportunity to spend some time with her, she is a really great person, we had a lot of fun. Anyway. The day she was leaving, she shared with me that she was trying to use her computer that morning and the Internet wouldn't work. When it finally came up, she said, "Praise the Lord!" She told me, "I don't even know where that came from." and that I was "rubbing off" on her. How amazing! I pray that God will use the time she was here at KMBC to continue to cause her to think of Him. Since this conversation, I have prayed several times from Psalms 19:14 "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." I so desire to always be used by God.

I only have a minute, but I need to send a quick update. I am only checking my email about twice a week. Today, I had 68 messages in my inbox - a wonderful and blessed thing, but I am so far behind in my responses. So, sorry. I do so appreciate the notes and truly praise the Lord for the love and support each email represents.

This week we are having missions conference, I am really looking forward to the speakers and the WGM representatives, Frank and Sharon Martin, that are coming. I have been helping with the advertisements, we have been drawing with chalk on the sidewalks - it has been great fun.

Classes are going well, I have a test and a quiz this afternoon and I need to participate in the online discussion board for one of my classes (that is why I am in the computer lab right now actually).

My job at the library is still great, though as the semester is progressing, I have less time for study as more and more other students are coming into the library and need help.

A quick praise, so far, I have been in America for two months and I have not gained any weight. I have actually lost an additional five pounds, which I really praise God for! I have an accountability partner here at school and we meet once a week and talk about our quiet time, our eating, and exercise. It is a wonderful blessing.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

a new update

Hi All,

I have been planning to post for more than a week, it is amazing how time gets away from me. I actually have a notebook with four blogs written, but I failed to bring it to the computer lab, so I will plan to send those later. I took a test today that I don't think I did very well on. So far, I have earned A's on all my tests, but the one today in Christian Education wasn't so great, I would be really happy with a B. I truly am enjoying all of my classes, probably my favorite is Minor Prophets - I really find everything I am learning to be remarkably interesting.

Just FYI, I am taking 17 credit hours -
English Grammar - mainly because this will help me to teach English
Minor Prophets
Intro to Missions - I am enjoying this class a lot
Intro to Christian Education - you would think this class would be easy, but lots of theory
Foundations of Faith - which is a first level theology course
Spiritual Worldview Formation - you will be happy to learn I have a Biblical Worldview :-)

A of course, my Thursday night Russian lesson - I am so encouraged by all that I am remembering, I am blessed to have a tutor - God is so good!

I am also working 10 hours per week in the library, cooking for a couple of hours on Saturday, and picking up cleaning hours when I can fit them in my schedule.

In other news, I have fall break October 24-27. I have found a ride home. One of the other students lives in Michigan and he drives straight up I69 to get home. I was explaining to him where I live and he said he often stops at the Gas City exit to eat, I am praising the Lord. Me riding with him will be a help for him too, because I will help cover the cost of his gas. I have promised I will not talk continuously on the way home, so I hope I will have a ride to and from home for all of my breaks - again, God has provided in an amazing way.

What else, we have been participating in the "Concert of Prayer". Every night at 9:05pm a group of students has gathered in the parlor of one of the dorms for a prayer time for the country featured that day. It has been a wonderful time. Each night a different person leads the time and shares about the country, praises, and prayer requests. It has been a wonderful time of fellowship and prayer, but even more a time to really focus on what God is doing in the world.

Well, I am going to run. I need to go to the library before it closes, I have overdue materials - that is not a good thing when you are a library employee.

Hope you are having a wonderful day. May God bless you!
In Him,