Tuesday, June 28, 2011

a quick update

I had such an amazing weekend and I am loving Home Ministry Assignment. It is an amazing time of drawing closer to God, which has been such a rich experience. When I was in Ukraine, I was so reliant on God, often because I had no idea what to expect or often how things worked. When I had a regular schedule and life was pretty settled, I lost sight of some of that need to be completely dependant on God. Now, in HMA, I am back to just a state of uncertainty and the realization that so much is beyond my control. Again, God is teaching me to rely on Him.

Also, HMA is a time to really focus on other people. I have had just some amazing conversations and met so many just wonderful people, it has been so delightful. I have so many stories to share, but no time now. Please continue to pray for me.

In Him,

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